Wednesday 2 April 2008

At first it was the Ovaline...

the appropiation of symbols of feminity by Rugbymen.

Many thinkers talk about Rugby as a reappropiation of feminity by men, a lost value in Western history, but feminity in ancient cultures was worshipped related to ground's and women's fertility. Ovaline's archetype may represents a return of Great Mother's values by the representants of the sword's masculinity and vertical power in such a society that has invented the modern Commonwealth. Researchers from sociology to biology argue that nowadays we are living in a world where feminity is increasing. Sperma concentration for example, is permanently decreasing and more girls are borning than boys. Last week Yahoo's principal New take about a pregnant man as Zeus in mithology was giving birth to Dionysos or Athena. Evidently there are today more women in the world than men and in cultural phenomena such as ecologism or mode demostrates a predominance of feminity over masculinity. Paradoxically Rugby's masculinity is held by ovaline values. Metaphorically we could interpret the moment in which the Ovaline is gloriously liberate from that men's spider as a birth labour!

Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Rome at Tor Vergata, Mario Perniola is a specialist in Bataille's work. One of his last studies, The sex appeal of the inorganic (2004) studies the encounter between philosophy and sexuality, between things and humanity. According to his ideas, there are living objects of desire as well as obscure objects that are inanimated... Desire and pleasure are rejected nowdays face to a neutral ascetism, inorganic and artificial. Postmodern mystical atheism. What happens exactly with the oval imaginary in Rugby? Are there things that feels? What are organs, things that feels too? What about our organs in a neuter sexuallity? Does neutral sexuality means bisexuality or multisexuality? Sensuality and eroticism played in every atmosphere instead of direct and violent sexual penetration with quickly orgasm could be a tentative option for the Westen culture, in a way as tantric coitus interruptus... that is musement. For many people it is impossible to imagine a sexuality without orgasm as a goal, vitalistic spirituality conceives the world and everyone of its elements full of living forces. To neutral sexuality we arrive by sexual abstinence... then philosophy and other practices become an inversion of sexual libido. In his chapter, "Exemplary Addictions", Perniola refers philosophy as a substitute of drugs to enter into the world of excess, not through literature or poetry or sportive games. Perniola says "it is time to see marriage and the university on the side of the evil, as pushers of sexual and philosophical excess that one cannot do without, rather than on the side of good as remedy to sexual and cognitive libido." (Kant and the Spouse as Thing". p.18). Perniola opens a strange question, what do objects feel? What about the ovaline in Rugby? I could ask. Unlike the idol which is representational, that is, the image of a divine being, the ovaline does not represent anything, its value is in itself as object. Ovaline fetichism crosses into magic, marking the triumph of an artificial object which is actually offered in its opaque and indifferent arbritariness, in its being as a sentient thing.... (p. 54-55) Remember how players kiss the ball... or in other case.. how people feels their cars as an extension of their body and any agression to them (crash) is felt as a direct agression to their person and bodies...